Home > Company > Beneficial Compensation

  • Ceremonial support

    Giving expenditure for every congratulations and condolences

  • Educational expenses

    Supporting high school and university expenses

    (for 10yrs more long-serving employees)

  • Mutual aid society

    Managing mutual aid society (giving expenditures for congratulations and condolences)

  • Cafeteria

    Managing cafeteria and supporting lunch

  • Car / Mobile

    Supporting sales rep’s transportation and communication expenses

  • Long-serving

    Giving rewards and leaves

  • Holiday gift

    Giving New Year's Day, Chu-Seok, and the foundation date of the company gift

  • Working Clothes

    Giving summer, spring and fall, and winter clothes

  • Other gifts

    Birthday gift

  • Health checkup

    Once a year (R&D and manufacturing dept.)

    every other year(office worker)

  • Group insurance

    Insurance payment for accidents and hospitalization

  • Holiday policy

    Holiday policy Holidays and Summer Vacation